BeammWave at CadenceLive in Munich

Published: 2023-11-20 16:10

Per-Olof Brandt, CTO of BeammWave, and Jinzhuo Wu went to CadenceLive in Munich and presented how we work with Cadence Managed Cloud Services to design our revolutionary chip and solution. It goes without...


BeammWave på CadenceLive i München

Published: 2023-11-20 16:10

Per-Olof Brandt, CTO för BeammWave, och Jinzhuo Wu åkte till CadenceLive i München och presenterade hur vi arbetar med Cadence Managed Cloud Services, för att designa vårt revolutionerande...


BeammWaves delårsrapport januari-september 2023

Published: 2023-11-07 08:30

BeammWave ABs delårsrapport för perioden januari-september 2023, finns nu tillgänglig på Bolagets hemsida samt bifogad i detta pressmeddelande...


Registration of trademark BeammWave® in Taiwan

Published: 2023-10-11 17:25

BeammWave already has trademark protection in China, the EU and the UK. Taiwan has now also been approved. Take the opportunity to sign up for BeammWave's newsletter at: BeammWave Newsletter For further...
