BeammWave CEO interviewed at Ideon Science Park
Interview with BeammWave CEO
Joint scientific paper by BeammWave & University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Italy.
BeammWaves technical leader team co-authored a paper together with Professor Stefano Buzzi and Assistant Professor Carmen D'Andrea at University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Italy, showing the...
Beamwave Chief Systems Architect featured in Wireless Future
BeammWaves Bengt Lindoff appeared in the last Wireless Future Podcast. Good if you want to know why digital beamforming is the future. Watch the podcast here.
BeammWave adding additional experience to the board
Dr. Märta Lewander Xu joins the BeammWave board adding her experience from being CEO at GASPOROX AB (publ.) and Chairman at GPX Medical AB (publ.). Märta has a Ph.D. in Atomic Physics. We are...
BeamWave awarded a new grant from VINNOVA
BeammWave was one out of 25 companies that were recognized for innovation with potential and was awarded the grant "Innovativa Startups steg 2". Read more here.
BeammWave is featured in Dagens Industri
BeammWave got featured in Dagens Industri. It’s a good read well worth your time. You can read the full article here.
BeamWave is featured in Elektronik Tidningen
Beammwave is featured in an article in Elektronik Tidningen. An in-depth article on the topic of 5G and mmWave. Read the full article here.
New white paper out
New whitepaper busting the myth of Digital Beamforming being power hungry.
Great article in Ny Teknik
Featured article on the topic of 5G. You can read the article here.