Projektet, från utlysningen ”6G Forskning och innovation 2024”, koordineras av BeammWave och är ett gemensamt projekt tillsammans med Advenica och Lunds universitet. Den totala budgeten för projektet är 8,6 miljoner kronor, varav Vinnova-bidraget är på totalt 5,9 miljoner kronor och BeammWaves andel av bidraget är 3 miljoner kronor.

Projektets titel är "Distribuerad digital beamforming för cmWave och mmWave integrerad radar och kommunikation". Projektidén är att använda BeammWaves Advanced Development Platform – ADP1 i millimetervågsområdet, för att utveckla 6G-teknik för Integrated Sensing And robust Communication (ISAC). Projektet påbörjas i november 2024 och avslutas i augusti 2027.

"Genom att använda vår distribuerade digitala beamforming-arkitektur kan avkänningen göras med högre precision jämfört med nuvarande arkitekturer som är baserade på analoga beamforming-lösningar", säger Bengt Lindoff, Chief Systems Architect på BeammWave.

"Vi fortsätter att bygga vidare på vårt framgångsrika samarbete med Lunds universitet och Advenica för att se till att vi täcker nätverkseffektivitet, spektrumdelning och säkerhet", säger Markus Törmänen, medgrundare och styrelseledamot på BeammWave.

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The project, from the call “6G Research and innovation 2024”, is coordinated by BeammWave and is a joint project together with Advenica and Lund University. The total budget of the project is SEK 8.6M whereas the Vinnova grant, is SEK 5.9M and the BeammWave share of the grant has a total of SEK 3M.

The project title is “Distributed digital beamforming for cmWave and mmWave integrated radar and communication”. The project idea is to utilize BeammWave’s Advanced Development Platform – ADP1 in the mmWave Frequency Range, to develop 6G technology for Integrated Sensing And robust Communication (ISAC). The project will start in November 2024 and conclude in August 2027.

"By employing our distributed digital beamforming architecture, the sensing can be done with higher precision compared to current architectures which are based on analog beamforming solutions, says Bengt Lindoff, Chief Systems Architect of BeammWave.

“We continue to build on our successful collaboration with Lund University and Advenica making sure that we cover network efficiency, spectrum sharing and security”, says Markus Törmänen, co-founder and Board Member at BeammWave.

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BeammWave går med i XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF), ett japanskt forum som syftar till att främja mobila tjänster och utvecklingen av mobilrelaterade verksamheter.

Forumet består av 82 medlemsföretag som representerar en stor del av den japanska telekomindustrin, inklusive operatörer samt tillverkare av smartphones och komponenter. Dessutom finns det enskilda representanter, främst från japanska universitet.

"Japan är en stark innovatör med stora och framgångsrika operatörer, flera välkända globala konsumentmärken och är i världsklass när det gäller leveranskedjan för telekom och konsumentelektronik. Vi på BeammWave är stolta över att få gå med i forumet och ser fram emot att både bidra och lära oss från de andra medlemmarna i organisationen", säger Masanori Sakuuchi, BeammWaves försäljningschef i Japan.

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BeammWave joins the XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF), a Japanese forum that aims to promote mobile services and the development of mobile businesses.

The forum consists of 82 member companies representing a major part of the Japanese telecom industry with operators and device and component manufacturers. In addition, there are also individual representatives mostly coming for Universities in Japan.

Japan is a strong innovator with large and successful operators, several well-known global consumer brands, and with a world class supply chain for telecom. We as BeammWave are proud to be able to join and to continue to contribute to and learn from the other members of the organisation”, says Masanori Sakuuchi, Director of Sales Japan, at BeammWave.

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BeammWave medverkade den 19 september på Aktiedagarna i Stockholm, där vd Stefan Svedberg presenterade bolaget.

Stefan berättade om:

  • Att BeammWave är först i världen med att publikt kunna visa distribuerad digital beamforming
  • Bolagets thought leadership
  • Första kunden

och vilka spännande steg som väntar den närmaste tiden.

Här kan du lyssna och se hela den spännande presentationen om BeammWave och digital beamforming:
BeammWave Aktiedagarna Stockholm

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För mer information vänligen kontakta:
Stefan Svedberg, vd
+46 (0) 10 641 45 85

BeammWave participated on September 19 at Aktiedagarna in Stockholm, where CEO Stefan Svedberg presented the company.

Stefan informed about:

  • That BeammWave is the first in the world to be able to publicly show distributed digital beamforming
  • The company's thought leadership
  • The first customer

and what exciting steps await in the near future.

Here you can listen to and see the entire exciting presentation about BeammWave and digital beamforming:
BeammWave Stock Days Stockholm

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Det svenska företaget BeammWave har ytterligare etablerat sitt 'thought leadership' inom digital beamforming genom att göra världens första demonstration av distribuerad digital beamforming.

Demonstrationen visades för kunder redan under sensommaren och har sedan dess konsoliderats och integrerats i BeammWaves avancerade utvecklingsplattform (ADP1). BeammWave menar att detta är ett bevis på BeammWaves koncept, samt bevisar att det finns en fungerande lösning för de tekniska problemen och utmaningarna för mmWave i 5G.

”Vi definierade detta koncept redan 2013 och identifierade då vilka designkriterier som behövde uppfyllas för att digital beamforming skulle vara användbart i smartphones med stora volymer. Vi har sedan dess bevisat först genom simuleringar, sedan på komponentnivå och nu har vi visat det i Over-The-Air uppställning med 5G-modulerad data”, säger Per-Olof Brandt, medgrundare och CTO på BeammWave.

”Det här är en ’game changer’ inte bara för 5G, utan det kommer också att ha en inverkan på hur högre frekvensspektrum kan användas i framtida generationer som 6G och hur det kan påskynda de nya innovationerna och applikationer som alla har väntat på”, säger Stefan Svedberg, vd på BeammWave.

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The Swedish company BeammWave has further established their thought leadership in digital beamforming by doing the world's first demonstration of distributed digital beamforming.

The demonstration was first shown for customers late this summer and has since been solidified and integrated into the BeammWave Advanced Development Platform (ADP1). BeammWave claims that this is proof of the BeammWave concept, as well as it shows that there is a viable solution for the technical problems and slow uptake of mmWave in 5G.

We defined this concept back in 2013 and then also defined what design criteria that needed to be met for the concept to be viable for high-volume smartphones. We have since proved first through simulations, then on component level and now we have shown it in Over-The-Air system setup using 5G modulated data”, says Per-Olof Brandt, co-founder and CTO at BeammWave.

This is a game changer not only for 5G, but it will also have an impact on how higher frequency spectrum can be used in future generations like 6G and how it can drive the new use cases that everyone has been waiting for”, says Stefan Svedberg, CEO at BeammWave.

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BeammWaves vd Stefan Svedberg välkomnar till presentation på Aktiespararnas Aktiedagarna i Stockholm. Stefan kommer att presentera BeammWave och vad som händer kring både teknologi och kunder i bolaget.

Onsdagen den 18 september klockan 13.55 presenterar BeammWave på Aktiedagarna i Stockholm. Adressen är Birger Jarlsgatan 61 A. Presentationen kommer också att sändas live via Aktiedagarna och finnas tillgänglig i efterhand på Aktiespararnas Youtube-kanal.

"Vi har så många bra saker på gång just nu. Det händer mycket kring vår teknik och det gör i sin tur att vi har möjligheten att ta nästa steg i våra kunddialoger.”, säger Stefan Svedberg, vd på BeammWave och som välkomnar er att lyssna på hans presentation.

Evenemanget är öppet för alla och kräver inget medlemskap hos Aktiespararna. Ingen anmälan krävs för att följa evenemanget digitalt.

För mer information:
Aktiedagarna Stockholm 2024

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Stefan Svedberg, CEO at BeammWave, interviewed by Rasmus Jacobsson – Equity Analyst, Redeye.

What was the main take away from your Q2 report?
What can you tell us about customer traction?
What promises can be made?

“We have so many good things going now. BeammWave is the first one in the world that can show distributed digital beamforming. On our Asia tour we met many large companies acting within the mmWave area, with whom we have had dialogues for several years and for sure – we will sign up customers during the fall”, says Stefan Svedberg, CEO at BeammWave.

See and listen to the interview here:
Analyst interview BeammWave-Redeye

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BeammWaves vd, Stefan Svedberg, intervjuas av Rasmus Jacobsson – Equity Analyst på Redeye.

Vad vill du lyfta fram från er Q2-rapport?
Vilka framsteg gör ni med kunderna?
Vilka löften kan BeammWave ge?

"Vi har så många bra saker på gång just nu. BeammWave är först i världen med att publikt kunna visa upp en distribuerad digital beamforming-lösning. På vår tur i Asien träffade vi många stora företag som agerar inom mmWave-området. Vi har mer interaktion med kunder, som vi har haft dialoger med i flera år och vi kommer – med säkerhet – se nya affärer under hösten”, säger Stefan Svedberg, vd på BeammWave.

Lyssna på hela intervjun här:
Analytikerintervju BeammWave-Redeye

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The Swedish summer is finally here, probably it will be as beautiful and unreliable as it usually is. Regardless of weather, we have new money and with this comes loads of new energy and progress from our last, successful trip, in Asia.

The rights issue
The rights issue was in line with our expectations and the market in general. That gives us the opportunity to invest and go after the opportunities that are now appearing at an increasingly rapid pace. In addition, we are pleased to see the trust we received from our largest investors led by Concejo, who increased their ownership substantially and is now the largest owner with 11.2% of the capital.

The past 6 months
Of course, the fact that we got our first customer in December 2023 is our biggest achievement so far. Being able to invoice, book an order and have revenue makes the company "whole". It proves both to us and to others that what we develop has a great value and a significant degree of maturity.

Our already competent Board was further strengthened at our annual general meeting on June 14, when both Svein-Egil Nielsen and Pelle Wijk were elected. Both have a very long experience in both sales and technology in the global wireless semiconductor industry and contribute with a lot of technical know-how and also extensive personal networks.

Patents and standardization
We just got another patent approved which further strengthens our position as the global leader for digital beamforming, we now have a total of 39 patent families, of which 17 patents are approved coming from five different patent families. This is an underappreciated asset that most people have not fully understood. Beamforming is a universal technology whose use in communication will greatly increase for many decades to come and it will not stay analog but become digital in the near future. The patent portfolio that BeammWave has is completely unique and extremely valuable. Similarly, in a short time we have built a position in the global standards body for mobile telephony (3GPP), which is starting to pay off in the form of increased awareness of both our technology and our know-how.

The technology
We have all the proof we need for our concept, now it's all about maturity and the ability to deliver components for the applications, products and prototypes that our customers wish to build. The most tangible evidence that we have reached a turning point, is our development platform. During the spring the development platform became even better. Both because the basic technology was further developed, but perhaps above all because we supplemented it with a user interface that allows you to control, monitor and upgrade the platform in a simple way. This significantly simplifies our ability to support the platform even if it is located on another continent, locked in a secret lab to which we do not have access.

The market, our positioning and the customers
In May, we made one of our many trips to Asia, where we met all the Japanese mobile operators, more than ten customers and also strategic investors and partners. As usual, we learned a lot and also had many of our fundamental axioms further confirmed. Above all, the two cornerstones of our business were completely obvious;

  • The lack of capacity in mobile networks is for real and not just a future problem but here and now.
  • Current analog beamforming technology does not deliver a working solution and thus not the value that was expected.

The results of our meetings in the form of increased interest have been immediate. We have extensive follow-up work underway, two of our customers also have scheduled visits to our lab before we go on summer vacation.

With warm and sunny greetings,

CEO, BeammWave AB